The Hare

Cacophony of sounds and there's blood in the stream, 

A quite hare I stare as my insides scream. 

A hare running fast, determined yet afraid, 

Running away from the swords and the blade. 

The blade that pierces the ticker which then no longer ticks, 

So the hare runs away from the blade's treacherous tricks. 

For the blade brings blood and the hare feels too small, 

So it keeps running but the blade still calls; 

It calls upon the hare and tells him to feel, 

To feel the agony of the blade that makes life real. 

'No' says the hare for he has seen the blade, 

For the blade is unforgiving and its touch has no aid. 

And so leaving the other hares he runs alone and swift, 

And keeps on running till he's finally gone adrift. 



  1. Beautiful compilation of emotions 💜

  2. I must say that the narration of the story is quite beautiful. The rhyming is also very great. It shows how we prefer to run away from the problems when we get an idea that they are going to hurt us.

  3. Beautiful elucidation of thoughts...keep it up


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